Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

QZHY's blog post: Feb27-A


这几天指数涨了不少,但我手里的call options基本没涨,account value似乎还在跌。我刚刚算了一下目前的options:

* FSLR Mar 240 call, 6.00买入,目前6.3,是赚钱的,假如离OE三天的时候FSLR到T2=252,这个能涨到13.6,假如到240,跌到5.5。这样看虽然FSLR 几乎是秋大pick里面最好的,但如果没有奇迹出现,也不会有可观的利润。当然,前段时间13块多卖出去一手,所以最后不会赔进去,这点还好。

* DIA Mar 130 call,2.15买入,目前1.0,不到50%。假如离OE三天的时候DIA到132(T2=131.95),这个能涨到2.27,除掉手续费还不赔。 如果那时DIA到130,则跌到0.93,赔掉一半多。感觉到下个月DJIA到13000也算不错了,大阳棒算是比较凶猛的,拿到那时还不行的话,正确的 方法是在OE之前早早丢掉,否则除非奇迹出现,基本一定是赔的。

* BIDU Mar 320 call,6.00买入,目前0.50,不到10%。BIDU的T1是316,T2是355,怎么看T2都有点太太太高了。假如离OE三天的时候BIDU 到320,这个能涨到7.06,基本不赔,假如BIDU到310,涨到3.16,赔一半。所以以下一个星期假如BIDU不疯涨到T2,这个option一 定是赔的。我觉得正确的方法是在OE之前看BIDU涨到一定程度就出手,假如不涨就变废纸了。

* GRMN Apr 90 call,2.9买入,目前0.1,不到4%。GRMN的T1是81.25,T2是95,看起来T2有些夸张了。假如离OE有32天的时候GRMN到85,这个能够涨到3.26,能少赚一点,否则就赔。目前看了这个是赔定了。

手 里还有GS Jul 210 call,8.5买入,目前4.22,基本算50%。GS的情况是别人跌的时候他不跌,别人涨的时候他不涨,亏损情况现在还不清楚,真要伸一条腿下来也没 有什么奇怪的。感觉这个option或许略赚一点,不会赔就好。看GS的call基本都比theoretical value低,put则差不多,说明对call的需求少,大多数人看跌,最终情况会怎么样,我不清楚。

一月份的put进入的晚了,转身慢 了,赔进去了。之后严格按照秋大的计划来,不过AAPL和GOOG没有进入,是觉得太热门的option价格高,cost per percentage point高,对卖option的有利,买的话风险大,小帐户做不划算。现在情况是市场涨,手里的call不涨。根据上面的分析,如果市场没有全面看牛多 数股票疯长,implied volatility也疯涨的话,帐户不可能恢复到刚加入这里的水平,最大最好的可能性是比当前的account value略高一点,最终损失在40-50%之间。假如情况不好,由于手里留有现金,最终损失预计在60%左右。

大家有手里拿着call option的也大概估算一下,别关了计算机闭上眼睛就等着涨了。wishful thinking害人的。不断看市场情况变化不是为了给自己增加心理负担,而是及早掌握情况,随机应变。

我 一直没有average down,以前吃过这个亏,看的所有书和高手经验都说千万不要average down,现在感觉是完全正确的。现在再收集便宜的call基本就是赌博,没意思。假如看到某个要大涨,就开新的交易,买新的far month call,也不average down。

以前认为option要手快,也要cut loss。亏损一半就要卖掉,方向没有按照预计的走无论是否盈利都要卖掉。来到这里就按照秋大的指示坚决母鸡,现在证明是错误的。如果按照原来的方案走损 失要小一些,该赚钱的照样会赚钱,不赌不wishful thinking就是了。

来这里之前刚刚开始自己做option,一半赔一半 赚,但由于一看方向不对就跑,也不死捂,为避免time value decay一般在手里拿不到两个星期,所以没有大的损失,帐户持平略有盈余。刚开始做股票时急躁,没有cut loss的概念,也average down,损失一些,大概做3笔赔1笔的样子,但都是赚的少赔的多。受到MITBBS的鼓舞加入这里,觉得跟着秋大很快就可以把损失弥补回来,然后就可以 越做越大。现在看来那个时候的损失根本算不了什么。

来这里一个月了,准备再观察一个月。现在决定不用真钱跟任何新的交易计划了,赌博没有 意义。即使后来做也做股票,自己做option。秋大操作好,做股票应该是不错的,做option因为口袋深,赌的面大,运气好,所以还不错。秋大的风险 管理也不错,如果只拿20%做option,那么即使情况很不好也要半年才能全部赔光,中间运气好还可以赚一点。

相信秋大也是努力为了我 们青蛙好的,给的计划也是费尽心血的,抛开运气不好的因素也能够代表大师的水平的。但由于wishful thinking的关系,看的方向不准,没有timing。我们是做swing的,不是做中长线的,不是坐过山车的,秋大的option计划中不超过一半 按照原计划走。当然股票的T1和T2只要等足够长的时间多数都可以达到,但option不行。假如只做股票,买了之后就把卖单挂着,关掉计算机(如同鸵鸟 把头埋在沙子里,呵呵),等着收钱也不错,一个月不行等三个月,三个月不行等半年,半年不行等一年、两年……,大不了stop out。

买option 不考虑Greeks的变化,甚至连IV不看都让买,不使用spread规避风险,看方向不对了不激流勇退,实际上差不多就是wishful thinking和赌博。这样做赚钱只是运气和一部分TA的功夫,青蛙跟着做久了一定外婆,无论风险管理怎么样都会赔光,不过是早晚的问题。



补充一句,作为青蛙我觉得做ETF的options还是好一些,受新闻、ER等的影响小一些,cost per percentage point小,不会有若干X,但风险也小一些。

XXXX: 在optionsXpress里面有个叫做pricer的工具,可以看到每一个option的Greeks,也可以计算在给定时间,IV, interest rate, dividend rate和stock price的情况下option的理论价格,计算方法就是black-scholes模型,我跟踪过一段时间发现还是很有用的。我买的时候是根据 stock的目标价位算出option的理论价格,不到这个价位不买,因为高了就一定买贵了。我的观点是宁可错过10个赚钱的机会也不错抓一个机会赔进 去,因为股市里机会是无限的,但自己的现金是有限的。




Monday, February 25, 2008

Feb24 reading: the rest



$VIX: last week's prediction is correct.

$UYG: last week's prediction is correct. It's forming a U-bottom and will reverse soon.

1. Financial

C: last week's prediction is correct. It's still in the slow downtrend, also looks like a U-bottom.

JPM: prediction is not correct, it didn't go down a lot in the last week. Now it has reversed the trend and been ready to go up (U-bottom).

2. Technology

IBM: prediction is not correct. Now the near-term trend is up. It should be able to go up to 111+ in the near future.

AAPL: prediction is almost correct (down trend), but it has gone lower. In the next week it may go even lower but reversal may happen any time.

GOOG: prediction is wrong, but now it may be at the bottom and should go up soon.

MSFT: last week's prediction is wrong. The near-term trend is down.

T: wrong prediction, the correction was too great. The near-term trend is down.

RIMM: prediction is completely correct. It has broken the resistance with a upward gap and gone back to the up trend.

3. Resource

XOM: prediction is correct, now it's in a uptrend and towards 90.

4. Transportation

DRYS: wrong prediction, it has been up in the last week, and the trend is still strong although STO looks toppy.

FDX: same as last week.

UPS: wrong prediction. Correction came earlier than expected.

5. Industry

BA: wrong prediction. The last pattern is not a triangle, and it may go up in the next week.

GM: down!

DD: it has gone down but hasn't reached 44 yet. It will go further down in the next week.

MMM: wrong prediction. It went neither up nor down in the last week. It seems in a down channel. In the next week it will go down.

6. Medical

JNJ: will go up after some days.

7. Food, consumer

MCD: wrong prediction, but it will go up after some days.

PG: wrong prediction. It looks like in a near-term up channel. The next trading day will decide its direction. If it doesn't go below 65.5, it will go up.

KO: wrong prediction. It hasn't reversed the trend yet. The near-term trend is bearish.

WMT: prediction is correct, it is going up.

8. ETF

VWO: correct, bullish!

EWZ: correct, bullish, but a small correction is due.

ILF: similar with EWZ.

FXI: down channel, forget it in the near-term.

XLE: it has gone up, means the candlestick pattern is incorrect. Now the trend is still bullish.

XLB: bullish.

GDX: prediction is correction, upward breakout happens. Bullish!

DBA: same as last week, wait.

MOO: correct, bullish!

Feb24 reading: $HSI and $NIKK

Last week's prediction to $HSI is a bit off, prediction to $NIKK is correct. No new chart is necessary for Nikkei225.

Feb24 reading: GS

Last week's prediction is correct.

No new chart is necessary.

Feb24 reading: BIDU

Last week's prediction is right. If the patter being formed is a triangle, it's possible that the near-term trend is down.

Feb24 reading: FSLR

Last week's prediction is correct.

Near-term trend is bullish as long as the support at ~200 is not broken.

Feb24 reading: GRMN

Last week's prediction is wrong.

The near-term outlook is bearish.

Feb24 reading: XLF

Near-term is bullish. Better than last week;s prediction.

Feb24 reading: GLD

Last week's prediction is correct.

In this week the upper edge will be tested, but the near-term trend is bullish.

Feb24 reading: $USD

Last week's prediction is right.

A reversal is due.

Feb24 reading: INTC

Bearish. Wait for a chance to close the position.

Feb24 reading: DIA

Soon the triangle pattern will be broken. According to the textbook the previous trend, i.e. down, will be continued. However I suspect since so many people are looking at the pattern and both bulls and bears are continuously challenging it for past trading days, there is a large possibility it will fail.