Sunday, October 19, 2008

Matthew Frailey's Charts

$SPX LT Stochastics: we still have one more decline to new lows for a 5th wave.

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$INDU - weekly long term: likely target range is 2002-2003 lows.


$SPX and $INDU daily TRIX: it appears that TRIX crossovers have been working well for catching the trends.

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SSO mechanical system


$VIX long term: TRIX no crossover yet, so bottom not confirmed.


XLF daily:

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$NASI 1 year: conservative traders could wait for the NASI to give a PSAR buy signal.

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Commodities - CRB daily:


Commodities - CRX


Commodities: light crude oil

image (1 year daily) image (weekly)

image (monthly) image (big picture)

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