Saturday, August 02, 2008



因为75%以上的股票都是随大盘而上下波动, 大盘涨, 则水涨船高; 大盘跌, 则覆巢之下没有完卵, 所以看盘是每个市场参与者最重要的工作之一, 也是需要千锤百炼的基本功. 虽然大市变动的信息可以通过各种不同的途经获得, 但无法自己独立看盘的市场参与者所作出的每一个操作上的决定, 基本上是苍白的, 有时是凸离市场, 甚至是错误的.

看盘包括观看大盘的长期, 中短期和超短期, 有时是实时的走行, 综合其它相关的市场信息后, 为融合自己的资金和操作计划提供客观和科学的依据. 虽然各人所观看的大盘指标的时段(TIME FRAME)有所不同, 但看盘的方法大同小异, 有的则可以推而广之, 不但可以用在不同的市场指数和ETF上, 也可以运用到个股中.

看盘要领: 三大指数中, 三者择一

DOW JONES INDUSTRIAL AVERAGE, NASDAQ 和S&P500, 是观测美国股市的最主要的三大指数. 虽然三大指数有着各自的代表性, 每天上下波动的幅度也会有所不同, 但它们在表达市场的运行方向上却有着极高的相关性, 并且在绝大多数的时间内, 三大指数是一起联动的.

作为个人投资者/交易者, 由于时间和精力的限制, 极少有人能面面具到把三大指数看得滴水不漏的; 而实际生活中多头马车造成 “三个和尚没水喝”的例子比比皆是, 当三大指数运行不一致时, 投资者/交易者最终还是要作出取舍. 与其耗时费力纠缠在三大指数中, 不得要领, 无所适从, 不如早早地三者择一, 盯牢一个, 作为看盘的主要指标. 其它两个指数可以偶尔用来参考一下, 其作用类似于己其它的Sector Index. 这样每天可以节省不少宝贵的时间, 亦有利于集中精力, 提高自己的看盘能力, 力争在把握大盘的主要方向之外, 还能对大盘的每一细小变化, 都能了然于胸.



看盘的重点: 方向, 趋势及转折点(DTT)

看盘的重点莫过于市场的方向(Direction). 市场的方向虽然非涨即跌, 只有两个, 却是所有市场参与者的重点. 炒股的问题首先是方向的问题, 方向对了, 一切都好办, 方向错了, 南辕北辙, 很难不亏钱.

而趋势(Trend)常常与市场的方向有关, 趋势一旦建立, 市场往往沿着固有的方向运行一定的时间, 直到抵达目标价位. 市场参与者只要顺势而为, 此时看盘也就变得轻松(不看盘也赚钱!).

市场的转折点(Turning Point) , 即底与顶的观测, 则是观测市场方向和趋势的着眼点. 市场沿着固有的方向运行一定的时间后, 原有的趋势逐渐成熟, 衰减, 市场开始从新调整方向, 积蓄能量后才能再出发, 开始下一个新的周期. 这时观察市场的转折点, 就变得十分重要. 只有熟悉和掌握市场转折点的观测与方法后, 才能更好地把握市场的方向和脉动.

下面两张图的垂直线大致显示了NASDAQ INDEX过去六年中的一些重要的转折点:



看盘的另一个重点是阻力与支撑点的观测, 因为许多市场的转折点都发生在重要的阻力与支撑点的附近. 阻力与支撑点的位置, 有时会对市场的方向和趋势起着重要的决定性作用. 通过量价关系的分析, 判断可能的阻力与支撑点, 对于股市的操作具有十分重要的意义.

当然看盘的内容不仅仅止于上述几点. 其它包括价格运行的可能目标及估算,不同时段的移动平均线和其它技术参数(Technical Indicators)的变化(如RSI, MACD, CMF)等等. 技术参数不在于多, 但要重点熟悉和掌握几个, 尤其是要理解这些技术参数和价格变动的内在联系和数学关系, 才不致于造成教条式的应用.


磨刀不误砍柴工, 好的看盘工具能帮助你成为更好的投资者/交易者. 除了实时报价系统, 每个投资者/交易者必须有一套自己熟悉的TA工具.

所谓的TA(技术分析, Technical Analysis), 就是利用对已经发生的市场价格运行在股价图上(Stock Chart)的分析, 推测和预估将要发生和可能出现的情况. 就象天气预报一样, 技术分析并不能100%绝对精确地预测某种情形绝对会发生, 但它会帮助我们anticipate what is "likely" to happen to prices over time. 随着技术分析方法的推广和流行, TA的一些术语, 也成了看盘者广为接受的共同语言.

如果你相信市场的有效性, 相信每一个基本面的变化都会作为综合因素的一部分而真实地反映在价格上(TA对manipulation, 对price discounts everything, 都有着自己本身的定义和前提), 你可能会成为一个某种意义上的TA派. TA通常只注重价格(和量)的变化, 因为价格本身的起伏涨跌才是最终决定赢利与否的唯一因素. TA并不排斥FA(Fundamental Analysis), 只是比较少关心导致价格变化的原因而已. 相对于FA有时的看不清, 摸不透, 量不准, TA显得更加透明和直截了当, 易于量化.

如果有兴趣的话, 的Chart School 是一个很好的免费的TA入门网站:

Market Indicators的运用:

市场参数(Market Indicators) 是现成的根据某一个市场的数据经过公式计算后的数字指标. 其中Bullish Percent Index (BPI), McClellan Summation Index and Volatility Index (VIX) 是三个非常值得重视和有用的Market Indicators, 可帮助提高看盘的准确性.


凡人都会有偏见/偏好, 这本无可厚非, 但这样的偏见一旦被带入股市, 有时会造成不堪设想的后果.

Bias is a term used to describe a tendency or preference towards a particular perspective, ideology or result. All information and points of view can generate some form of bias. A person is generally said to be biased if a reasonable observer would conclude that the person is markedly influenced by inner biases, rendering it unlikely for them to be able to be objective. In careful usage bias refers to a belief that leads to a false judgment.

看盘时的偏见往往有两种, 一种是内源性的, 另一种则是外源性的. 内源性偏见通常是受自己手中已持有的POSITION的影响, 或脑子里原先残留/预存的印象所致. 外源性偏见, 是受外部因素的影响, 包括媒体/网络, 身边的朋友等等. 不盲目相信他人的建议, 独立思考, 特别是在网络信息爆炸的时代, 要主动地吸收, 而不是被动地接受外界的信息, 尽可能避免媒体的影响.

市场本身有着它本身严密的系统性和完整性; 而凡走过必留下痕迹, 市场的变化, 尤其是大的变化和转折前, 往往都是有迹可循. 只要用心, 细致的观察, 在市场面前保持一种谦虚谨慎的态度, 以市场为师, 不断地总结, 撇除个人的偏见, 结合现有的分析技术和前人的经验, 终会百炼成钢,进而较为准确地把握市场的脉动.

“我视汝情, 明若观火”, 这是看盘者应该追求的一种境界.

August 2 Weekly Market Reading


The following is the 5-year weekly chart of DJIA.  Note that the Fibonacci Retracement connected from the last bear market bottom to the last year top, it seems each retracement level plays a role of support/resistance, and the troughs of DJIA sit right on the line.  I expect the July bottom is the bottom in the mid-term, however there might be another round of selling off which will holds the Fib 50%.


SP500 Weekly Chart: compare with DJIA weekly chart, my feeling is that the July bottom is not low enough.  I am thinking it may go down at some point to significantly break the Fib 50%.  By using the Fibonacci Expansion, I expect the next bottom is at 1170-1175, which will be a mid-term profitable one.  The market during the past few weeks looked very risky for me, and I am waiting for the next leg down to bottom fishing.


QQQQ Weekly Chart: From my point of view QQQQ has not broken the long-term ascending trend line, seems very bullish and strange.  If we are indeed in a bear market QQQQ might keep synchronized with DJIA and SP500 eventually, therefore the downside space is quite big.  I am holding QID and wish it will be profitable.



DJIA daily chart: what worries me is the lower high higher low pattern.  I hope it can go above Fib 38.2% which is the previous high.  The mid-term signal is okay, and the lower edge of the descending channel seems providing a support.  However I doubt how big the upside room is after breaking the Fib 38.2%.


SP500 daily chart: it looks slight better than DJIA, but it has to break the middle of the descending channel and the resistance line.  Due to external intervention, I hope it can break above the resistance early next week.  If it cannot, it could repeat the February pattern.  I am holding some SSO and hope it doesn't give me a tiny profit.


Here is the chart I just drew.  It seems SP500 is forming a rising wedge, which is bearish but not necessarily going to plunge immediately.  The end of next leg is put at 1170 according to my reading on the weekly chart.


XLF daily chart: the ascending channel might be too steep to persist, and MA50 seems blocking the bullish momentum for the past few days.  Also the lower highs and higher lows look like a breakout is due soon.


SKF daily chart: I bought in too early.  I expect it goes down to the lower edge of the ascending channel, and probably a little bit deeper, and then buy some and hold for some time.



In the near term USD/JPY looks bearish which might affect the stock market due to the carry trade.



XLF 60-min: is it a bull flag?  If it is then it will go above 23 for sure.


SKF-60min: it looks like a bear flag, which is consistent with the XLF 60-min chart.