Tuesday, December 30, 2008

2008-12-30 Market Watch


002: RSI2超买,其它信号中性。
003: RSI再次逼近回调位置。
103: SPY 30-min: RSI超买,形成轻微的negative divergence。
104: SPY 15-min: 两个技术指标都超买,有些许negative divergence。假如把盘中回调看作牛旗的话,还有上升空间。
105: 今天是major accumulation day,很牛!
200: VIX继续下跌,信号中性,看牛!

因此,今天的上涨是好的。但是,由于收盘之前的双曲线上涨,无论是SPX还是XLF,60-min, 15-min, 5-min图上都已经超买,技术上需要回调和修正。因此,明天早盘可能回调,如果继续上涨,无疑是short的低风险进入点。


image (SPX daily, still in corrective wave)

image (SPX hourly, don't be too optimistic, it could drop right here)

image (SPX 15-min) image (SPX hourly, overview of left chart)

image (/ES 1-min, note the support/resistance level)

image (/CL, the Crude Oil Futures, hourly)

Summary: prepare to stand at the short side.

Trading system signal: long SKF at the market open.  (SPY is a short)

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